This weekend propels us towards the final two episodes of DOCTOR WHO Series / Season 12: Ascension of the Cybermen, and The Timeless Children. Note: I've seen a great deal of theorization regarding 'the Timeless Child,' but most folks (that I've come across, at least) aren't addressing what may be an important clue here. We're talking about the Timeless Child, but the final episode title is pluralized. Food for thought? Reaching for straws? Here's a clip from Ascension...
BBC has also issued a Cybermen's Greatets Hits reel. It's a tad on the simple side, but a fun trip down memory lane all the same. I'd forgotten, or repressed, how much early Cybermen sounded like Latka from TAXI. Or the Thermians from GALAXY QUEST.
Ascension is scripted by Chris Chibnall, who has injected an admirable number of gargantuan, canon-impacting notions throughout S12 which will presumably pay off before next week's finale.
Who, or what, is Jo Martin's Doctor? What's up with her buried TARDIS? What really happened back on Gallifrey, and who is truly responsible for it? The Master, and all the nagged he brings with him. Are Graham, Yaz, and Ryan really, truly on the way out of the show? Many elements seem to be portending this, although part of me is wondering if the layers of foreshadowing we've thus far seen may be deliberately misleading us. While The Powers That Be have indicated Captain Jack won't make a return appearance this Season / Series, it's certainly feasible we're being misdirected in this regard, as well. I'm probably missing a few other points.
This is all...quite a bit to chew on, and represents something of a stressy meal given the uneven nature of showrunner Chris Chibnall's overall execution and narrative. It'll be fascinating to see whether or not he is capable of sticking the landing here, and whether or not he has actually thought through whatever pay offs he's gone through so much effort to set up. Previous showrunner Steven Moffat was, after all, extraordinarily, spectacularly capable of generating 'What the FUCK!?!?!?" moments. But by the time their endgame rolled around, there was often an inescapable sense that he hadn't thought through...or at least could not clearly demonstrate...the macro value of his initial narrative teases and intent.
Both Ascension and Timeless are helmed by Jamie Magnus Stone (Praxeus, Spyfall Part One), whose direction on this show to date has been one of the brighter points of the Chibs Era, story points not withstanding.
Our Ascension of the Cybermen forum is waiting for you to upload your essence into it. Ewwww - that sounds kinda wrong. How bout: here's the Ascension of the Cybermen forum! Go use it!
We warmly invite and encourage an open discourse and free exchange of ideas, but will enforce a strict zero tolerance policy regarding trolling, disrespect, or hate speak of any kind. COMING SUNDAY MARCH 1: The Timeless Children
December 2024
AuthorGlen |