This week brings us Space Amazon - errr - Kerblam!, scripted by Pete McTighe, a veteran of NEIGHBOURS (the Australian Soap Opera, not the 2014 Seth Rogan movie, or the 1981 John Belushi film) and EASTENDERS. Kerblam! is helmed by Jennifer Perrott, who brought usThe Tsuranga Conundrum a few weeks back, and is described thusly by BBC: “Delivery for the Doctor!” A mysterious message arrives in a package addressed to the Doctor, leading her, Graham, Yaz and Ryan to investigate the warehouse moon orbiting Kandoka, and the home of the galaxy’s largest retailer: Kerblam!” Last week's Demons of the Punjab managed to botch the landing of a number of solid, worthy notions. While a compelling background at face value, there seemed to be no urgency (or particular audience connection) to its 'Partition of India' storyline. The characters cared - they cared a lot, from the looks of it - but there was never ample illustration regarding why they cared, or why viewers should care in turn. This, combined with the intriguing (but ultimately hamhanded) shell game regarding the Thijarian's nature and mission diluted any innate poignancy the overall story may've carried. Will Kerblam! be more sure footed? We'll see...
Meanwhile, BBC has released official synopses of the final two episodes of S11 (not counting the New Year's special):
It Takes You Away (S11E09) On the edge of a Norwegian fjord, in the present day, The Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz discover a boarded-up cottage and a girl named Hanne in need of their help. What has happened here? What monster lurks in the woods around the cottage – and beyond? The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos (S11E10) On the planet of Ranskoor Av Kolos, lies the remains of a brutal battlefield. But as the Doctor, Graham, Yaz and Ryan answer nine separate distress calls, they discover the planet holds far more secrets. Who is the mysterious commander with no memory? What lies beyond the mists? Who or what are the Ux? The answers will lead the Doctor and her friends towards a deadly reckoning.
The final two epodes are directed by Jamie Childs, whose S11 track record to date has been doggedly mediocre at best (The Woman Who Fell to Earth, Demons of the Punjab). I really wish Team Chibs had picked another helmer from the directors tree for the final two of this run, although I'm not at all surprised they didn't.
Geeklectica's Kerblam! discussion boards are now open for business. Welcome, and enjoy! As always... We warmly invite and encourage an open discourse and free exchange of ideas, but will enforce a strict zero tolerance policy regarding trolling, disrespect, or hate speak of any kind. COMING NEXT WEEK: The Witchfinders
October 2022
AuthorGlen |