OK, sure. Last week’s first outing of Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor could’ve been received more evenly in these here parts. But that’s not to going to dissuade our effort towards forging and maintaining the coolest, kindest, most insightful DOCTOR WHO discussion boards anywhere on the Internet! Despite uncertain waters, we must move onward! Ever onward… As indicated in my bullet point pseudo-review, The Woman Who Fell to Earth landed unevenly with me, in a number of ways. This doesn’t necessarily mean, however, that all is lost. There’s always the chance writers other than TWWFTE scripter (and reigning show overlord) Chris Chibnall may be able to mine this newly rejiggered DW Era into something more consistent and rewarding over the longer haul. And, who knows, it's even conceivable the Chibs himself will tighten up his act a bit. Although, given that he was never one of my 'this guy is out of the park!' DW writers, it's hard not to be at least a tad skeptical. This said, Chibnall is returning for this week’s episode, The Ghost Monument, a title I rather like, by the way. So, we’ll have to wait a bit longer to glean how other writers approach this burgeoning Whittaker Era moving forward. Despite Chibnall’s return this weekend, we do get a different director this time around - Mark Tonderai - a veteran of ABC’s quickly defunct TIME AFTER TIME series, LUCIFER, and BLACK LIGHTNING. Tondari will helm next week’s installment as well. I felt the direction of TWWFTE was a bit muted by many television standards these days. It’ll b interesting to see if Tonderai brings a little more gusto to proceedings.
The official synopsis of The Ghost Monument reads thusly:
Still reeling from their first encounter, can the Doctor and her new friends stay alive long enough, in a hostile alien environment , to solve the mystery of Desolation? And just who are Angstrom and Epzo?" The episode guest stars Art Malik, Shaun Dooley, and Susan Lynch, who will appear in a tale which is said to restore the opening title sequence format missing from the TWWFTE. If anyone out there is interested, I've uploaded higher resolution publicity shots of TWWFTE in the gallery (these iterations were not available to me at the time of posting). I've also amended the gallery to include a number of BTS images, and promotional artwork as well. If you want to circle back to check out this material, you can find it HERE. The Geeklectica discussion for The Ghost Monument is now up and running. Thanks so much for stopping by, and enjoy! We warmly invite and encourage an open discourse and free exchange of ideas, but will enforce a strict zero tolerance policy regarding trolling, disrespect, or hate speak of any kind. COMING NEXT WEEK: Rosa
December 2024
AuthorGlen |