This week brings us 73 Yards, described thusly by BBC:
Landing on the Welsh coast, the Doctor and Ruby embark on the strangest journey of their lives. In a rain-lashed pub, the locals sit in fear of ancient legend. The episode is described as 'Welsh folk horror' in this introductory reel from show runner Russell T. Davies...
UK ratings for recent episodes of the show have been on the lower end of numbers that were already in a slide during the Chibnall Era. How DW is faring on D+ in the States is an altogether different matter, and remains a mystery as of publication.
Last week's Boom, from previous WHO overlord Steven Moffat, brought a touch of ingenuity and solidity to proceedings that have, so far this Series/Season, been all over the place. The existence of the episode was certainly reassuring, but it's also problematic: when a previous showrunner out-writes and out-creates the current showrunner, viewers are inherently catapulted into an uncomfortable, and even confusing disassociation of perceptions, loyalties, and, perhaps most problematically, desires. What will the flavor of 73 Yards be? What will it say / show about the creative path of the show moving forward, if anything? Finally, The Legend of Ruby Sunday and the provocatively titled Empire of Death, the final two episodes of this Season/Series, will be screening in UK cinemas Friday June 21 at 11pm. More information and tickets can be found HERE. With the way viewing figures are shaking out, and given UKvians decided lack of enthusiasm for inconveniently timed events, it'll be interesting to see if anyone is actually in theaters for this. With that, the 73 Yards discussion is afoot! We warmly invite and encourage an open discourse and free exchange of ideas, but will enforce a strict zero tolerance policy regarding trolling, disrespect, or hate speak of any kind. COMING NEXT WEEK: DOCTOR WHO: DOT AND BUBBLE
December 2024
AuthorGlen |