Last week brought us Orphan 55. Much like Spyfall Part Two before it, Orphan towed the line well enough, but still fell far short of resounding success. Series lead Jodie Whittaker, who has yet to truly demonstrate 'command presence' as the Doctor, is feeling increasingly less invested in her role as her tenure continues. Her lackadaisical approach to characterization considerably amplifies the shortcomings of serviceable-at-best directing from helmers like Orphan's Lee Haven-Jones, whose work on this show to date has proven neither shoddy nor bolstering. Resulting in a frustratingly, sometimes staggeringly 'middle-of-the-road' approach to storytelling which smells like it's driven by a production team bent on merely getting things done, as opposed to generating a brand of storytelling which is either noteworthy, progressive, or engaging. Despite Orphan's floppiness, and factoring out the embarrassing, pedestrian messaging clouding its final moments, the episode upheld the trembly, awkward trend of DW S12 feeling 'improved' over S11. Will the trend continue with this week's Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror? It's described thusly by BBC: It is 1903 and on the edge of Niagara Falls, something is wrong at Nikola Tesla’s generator plant, where someone – or something – is sabotaging the maverick inventor’s work. Has Tesla really received a message from Mars? And where does his great rival Thomas Edison fit into these events? The Doctor and her companions Yaz, Ryan and Graham must join forces with one of history’s greatest minds to save both him and planet Earth. Nida Manzoor directs, whose credits chiefly consist of ENTERPRICE, a brief comedy-drama transmitted by BBC Three a few years back. It's written by Nina Metivier, a writer/producer of a BAFTA winning CBBC children's show called DIXI. Metivier also served as a script editor for The Woman Who Fell to Earth and It Takes You Away for DW last Season / Series.
Will Team Chibs at least stay the unremarkable course they've thus far set this Series / Season? Or will S12, which currently feels as if it's on uneven footing at best, revert to the the roundly clunky, doggedly primal state we were forced to contend with though much of S11?
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December 2024
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