BBC has issued a new trailer for DOCTOR WHO S9, premiering Saturday September 19 in the US and UK. Great imagery and energy here...
THIS POST WILL CONTINUE TO EVOLVE IN THE COMING DAYS AND WEEKS 8/11/2105 Here are a few initial images from DW S9 (the Missy .gif may pre-date S9, though). I'll be expanding this gallery as more promo shots become available... 8/10/2105 Welcome to a special little place on the Internet, populated by some of the kindest, smartest, most inclusive and welcoming DOCTOR WHO fans (and overall Geeks) you’re likely to find online. Please know that, unlike many chat boards on the Net, these forums are regularly monitored and policed - and the moderator has zero tolerance for, or patience with, disrespect of any kind. This is a place where people are free to discuss whatever they wish to discuss (with a strong effort towards focusing on DOCTOR WHO). This is also a place where folks come to express themselves without fear of being flamed or trolled or virtually beat down. In short, it’s a place of peace and friendship - and everyone here is devoted to keeping it this way. We hope you’ll join us...
December 2024
AuthorGlen |