With The Timeless Children, Sunday brings us to the end of DOCTOR WHO Season / Series 12 proper.
It's been an odd run, filled with a few highs, a considerable portion of mediocrity, and a few highly aggravating lows. ​Despite this unevenness, S12 represents a quantifiable - albeit inconsistent - uptick from S11. A sputtery, precarious positive trend one hopes can continue through The Timeless Children and beyond. This said: last week's installment, Ascension of the Cybermen, was messy in a number of regards discussed at length in the forums HERE. As such, it's difficult not to feel at least a bit apprehensive about how these much ballyhooed 'changes everything!' episodes will actually play out, when the road to merely get to this point has been rocky at best. To prime us for whatever awaits, BBC has released this official retrospective reflecting on Galifreyan Shenanigans.
Written by Chibnall and helmed by Jamie Magnus Stone (Spyfall Part One, Praxeus, Ascension of the Cybermen), Children represents the last episode of DOCTOR WHO for some time. No formal date has been announced for future installments.
NOTE: As in the past, a day or two after Children's Sunday transmission, I'll open up a 'megathread' to carry us between S12 and the next fresh episode. This megathread will likely unlock on Monday.
Here we go. Despite the regrettably rickety nature of S12, the discussion point these forums has been consistently lovely, smart, insightful, fun, and much appreciated. I'd like to extend vast appreciation to all who have participated, and sincerely invite any lurkers out there to join our discourse. It's never too late! We warmly invite and encourage an open discourse and free exchange of ideas, but will enforce a strict zero tolerance policy regarding trolling, disrespect, or hate speak of any kind. COMING HOLIDAY 2020: Revolution of the Daleks
December 2024
AuthorGlen |